5 Ways to Keep Your Team Motivated


If you work in a startup or a multinational corporation, you know the key factor to your success is having a team that is in sync. Anyone and everyone needs a team they can rely on and trust while delegating work because no one can handle everything all by themselves. It is very important to keep your team motivated and together at all times. Here are 5 ways to keep them focused and driven:

1) Set smart goals:

Every member of the team must know what they are working towards. This helps in assessing the performance after a point of time and figuring out where everyone is lacking and how they can improve their efficiency. Setting goals and objectives makes what is expected from everyone very clear. Make sure that the goals are realistic and achievable.

2) Communicate:
A gap in communication can cause a lot of issues. If the people working in a team are not in sync with each other, it will lead to a lot of confusion. This causes wastage of time, effort and brings the teams morale down.

3) Correct in private and praise in public:
It is always better to discuss issues that a particular team member is facing, in private. This builds a sense of safety and trust towards you and makes them confident to confide in you. Correcting them in public in front of their peers can embarrass them and affect their confidence and ability to perform.
When someone performs exceptionally well, don’t be hesitant to praise them in front of everyone. This will boost their confidence which will motivate them to do even better in the future. It will also set an example for the rest of the team and they will strive to reach the same level of excellence.

4) Feedback:
Take regular feedbacks from your team members. A team is only as good as their leader. Even you can go wrong and make mistakes. Stay open to criticism, it won’t harm you but will teach you and make you a better leader. Value everyone’s feedbacks and evaluate yourself at regular intervals, learn from your mistakes and always acknowledge them.

5) Believe in your team:
This is the most important way to motivate your team. If you don’t believe in them, how are you going to work with them? You need to be confident about their capabilities. You need to trust them with the work you delegate to them and know that it is going to get done in the designated time. without all of that, you can never become a team or hold a group of people together and make them work with each other.

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